Exact Matches for Echio Card
x1 for 2,500,000z 4913 days ago from THEdwardElric in level 4 ....... morriganeĀ“s at Prontera 162, 84
x1 for 2,000,000z 4914 days ago from Timmy and his pushcart in ThePaper BlueAcid TowerKeep Kasa at Prontera 133, 90
x1 for 4,000,000z 4915 days ago from Timmy and his pushcart in ThePaper DarkIllusion BlueAcidus mor at Prontera 133, 89
x1 for 2,000,000z 4915 days ago from Timmy and his pushcart in ThePaper BlueAcidus DarkIllusion etc at Prontera 133, 89
x1 for 2,000,000z 4915 days ago from Timmy and his pushcart in ThePaper BlueAcid DarkIllusion Phen at Prontera 133, 89
x1 for 3,000,000z 4953 days ago from SellingPots in mastela, 3carat dia, card, incubus h at Prontera 140, 200
x1 for 3,000,000z 4953 days ago from SellingPots in mastela, 3carat dia, card, incubus h at Prontera 140, 200
x1 for 3,000,000z 4953 days ago from SellingPots in mastela, 3carat dia, card, incubus h at Prontera 140, 200
x1 for 3,000,000z 4953 days ago from SellingPots in mastela, 3carat dia, card, incubus h at Prontera 140, 200
x1 for 3,000,000z 4953 days ago from SellingPots in mastela, card, incubus horn, etc at Prontera 140, 200
x1 for 3,000,000z 4953 days ago from SellingPots in incubus band, mastela, opb, junk at Prontera 140, 200