Exact Matches for Echio Card
x1 for 3,000,000z 4776 days ago from The Barman in F R E E D O M O F S P E E C H at Prontera 164, 173
x1 for 2,800,000z 4777 days ago from alphonse-ed in RESETS! holy WATER,CARDS & stuff! at Prontera 137, 195
x1 for 2,800,000z 4777 days ago from alphonse-ed in RESETS! holy WATER,CARDS & stuff! at Prontera 137, 195
x1 for 3,000,000z 4777 days ago from The Barman in F R E E D O M O F S P E E C H ! at Prontera 164, 173