Exact Matches for Costume: Spiky Band
x1 for 60,000,000z 3728 days ago from Loveable Wallflower in Some Stuffs and Stuff at Prontera 160, 70
x1 for 60,000,000z 3729 days ago from Dark's Trademark in BUY BUY BUY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at Prontera 118, 111
x1 for 60,000,000z 3729 days ago from Loveable Wallflower in B> Isabella Red Ear PM Offer AFK at Prontera 159, 43
x1 for 65,000,000z 3730 days ago from Loveable Wallflower in Costumes and such :3 at Prontera 159, 50
x1 for 60,000,000z 3734 days ago from Flappy Bird in S p i t F i r e S a l e s ~ at Prontera 105, 57