Exact Matches for Cold Ice
x590 for 5,000z 2151 days ago from Tadase Hotori in P.Bottle,Proof,Witch and item food at Prontera 155, 162
x590 for 6,000z 2151 days ago from Tadase Hotori in Prooff, ingredients food and P.bottl at Prontera 155, 162
x590 for 6,000z 2151 days ago from Tadase Hotori in Prooff, ingredients food and P.bottl at Prontera 155, 162
x590 for 6,000z 2151 days ago from Tadase Hotori in Prooff, ingredients food and P.bottl at Prontera 155, 162
x590 for 6,000z 2151 days ago from Tadase Hotori in Prooff, ingredients food and P.bottl at Prontera 155, 162
x590 for 6,000z 2151 days ago from Tadase Hotori in Prooff, ingredients food and P.bottl at Prontera 155, 162