Ephemeral Mjolnir
Ephemeral Mjolnir
A facsimile of the mighty hammer wielded by Thor, god of thunder. Increases Attack Speed. Dex +50 , Str +20 This is a 30 Day version, and is tradable, it will disappear when it expires.
Class : Mace
Attack Strength: 350
Weight : 600
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level : 95
Jobs: Swordman and Merchant Classes
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By Item Name - http://ragnastats.com/item/Ephemeral Mjolnir
By Game ID - http://ragnastats.com/item/16007
By RagnaStats ID - http://ragnastats.com/item?id=30448
By Game ID - http://ragnastats.com/item/16007
By RagnaStats ID - http://ragnastats.com/item?id=30448