Divine Shadow Shield
Divine Shadow Shield
A small shield worn on the arm for additional DEF. Can be equipped alone but needs a set to have any effect. Decreases DMG from Undead property physical and magical attacks by 1%. If refined to +7, additionally decreases DMG from Undead property physical and magical attacks by 1%. If refined to +9, additionally decreases DMG from Undead property physical and magical attacks by 1%. If the set consisting of Divine Shadow Shield and Divine Shadow Armor is worn together, additionally decreases DMG from Undead property physical and magical attacks by 2%. Type: Shadow equipment
Location : Shield Weight : 0
Lv. req.: 1
Class: All classes
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By Item Name - http://ragnastats.com/item/Divine Shadow Shield
By Game ID - http://ragnastats.com/item/24207
By RagnaStats ID - http://ragnastats.com/item?id=43379
By Game ID - http://ragnastats.com/item/24207
By RagnaStats ID - http://ragnastats.com/item?id=43379