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2914 days ago - Prontera 119, 93 - Aunoe ThanatosKatar
x5Centipede Card200,000z
x4Bloody Murderer Card1,990,000z
x1Romantic Flower888,888z
x1Matyr Card5,500,000z
x1Gray Shield [1]12,000,000z
x1+4 Thanatos Katar [1]27,000,000z
x1+4 Thanatos Katar [1]27,000,000z
x1+9 Crimson Katar [2]77,777,777z
x1Aunoe Card44,000,000z
x1Rudolf Santa Hat [1]8,000,000z
x2Dullahan Card3,000,000z
x6Gibbet Card1,990,000z
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2915 days ago - Prontera 137, 96 - ThanatosKatar Aunoe etc.
x2Dullahan Card3,000,000z
x4Bloody Murderer Card1,000,000z
x1Aunoe Card44,000,000z
x5Centipede Card200,000z
x1Rudolf Santa Hat [1]4,000,000z
x1Romantic Flower800,000z
x1Gray Shield [1]8,000,000z
x1+4 Thanatos Katar [1]27,000,000z
x1+4 Thanatos Katar [1]27,000,000z
x1+9 Crimson Katar [2]80,000,000z
x6Gibbet Card2,000,000z
x1Matyr Card5,000,000z
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2915 days ago - Prontera 137, 96 - ThanatosKatar Aunoe etc.
x6Gibbet Card2,000,000z
x1Matyr Card5,000,000z
x2Dullahan Card3,000,000z
x4Bloody Murderer Card1,000,000z
x1Aunoe Card44,000,000z
x5Centipede Card200,000z
x1Rudolf Santa Hat [1]4,000,000z
x1Romantic Flower800,000z
x1Gray Shield [1]8,000,000z
x1+4 Thanatos Katar [1]27,000,000z
x1+4 Thanatos Katar [1]27,000,000z
x1+9 Crimson Katar [2]80,000,000z
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2917 days ago - Prontera 150, 78 - ThanatosKatar BB C.goggles Cert7
2917 days ago - Prontera 158, 97 - ThanatosKatar Aunoe Cert7
2917 days ago - Prontera 158, 97 - ThanatosKatar Aunoe Cert7
2918 days ago - Prontera 158, 97 - ThanatosKatar Aunoe Cert7
x1Mr. Scream500,000z
x4Loli Ruri Card3,999,999z
x3Bloody Murderer Card999,999z
x6Gibbet Card1,999,999z
x1Aunoe Card50,000,000z
x1Romantic Flower1,550,000z
x1+4 Thanatos Katar [1]26,999,999z
x1+4 Thanatos Katar [1]26,999,999z
x1Rudolf Santa Hat [1]5,999,999z0z
x1Gray Shield [1]16,999,999z
x1Safe to 7 Body Armor Certificate14,000,000z
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2919 days ago - Prontera 158, 97 - ThanatosSpear AunoeCard Cert7
x1Romantic Flower1,200,000z
x1Safe to 7 Body Armor Certificate14,000,000z
x1Aunoe Card46,666,666z
x1Thanatos Spear [1]29,998,888z0z
x1Gray Shield [1]16,999,999z
x1Rudolf Santa Hat [1]9,999,999z
x1Rudolf Santa Hat [1]8,888,888z
x3Bloody Murderer Card999,999z
x6Gibbet Card2,999,999z
x4Loli Ruri Card4,999,999z
x1Romantic Flower1,200,000z
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2922 days ago - Prontera 158, 97 - ThanatosKatar Cert
2922 days ago - Prontera 158, 97 - ThanatosKatar Cert
2924 days ago - Prontera 120, 96 - Thanatos Weapons
2924 days ago - Prontera 120, 96 - Thanatos Weapons
x1Kobold Card4,999,999z0z
x6Gibbet Card1,999,999z
x3Bloody Murderer Card1,999,999z
x4Loli Ruri Card3,999,999z
x1Romantic Flower994,321z
x1Romantic Flower998,765z
x1Rudolf Santa Hat [1]4,999,999z
x1Gray Shield [1]9,999,999z
x1+4 Thanatos Katar [1]26,999,999z0z
x1+4 Thanatos Katar [1]26,999,999z0z
x1Thanatos Spear [1]29,999,999z
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2925 days ago - Prontera 122, 95 - ThanatosKatar Spear and shield
x1Matyr Card4,999,999z0z
x1Romantic Flower1,000,000z
x1Romantic Flower1,000,000z
x1Rudolf Santa Hat [1]6,000,000z
x1Kobold Card3,338,888z
x1Hylozoist Card9,876,543z
x6Gibbet Card3,000,000z
x3Bloody Murderer Card888,888z
x1Lude Card555,555z0z
x1Gray Shield [1]9,999,999z
x1Thanatos Spear [1]30,000,000z
x1Thanatos Katar [1]22,222,222z
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2925 days ago - Prontera 116, 73 - DC
x1Romantic Flower1,000,000z
x1Romantic Flower1,000,000z
x4Loli Ruri Card4,000,000z
x1Gray Shield [1]30,000,000z
x1Thanatos Spear [1]30,000,000z
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2926 days ago - Prontera 116, 73 - DC
x1Romantic Flower1,000,000z
x1Romantic Flower1,000,000z
x4Loli Ruri Card4,000,000z
x1Gray Shield [1]30,000,000z
x1Thanatos Spear [1]30,000,000z
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2926 days ago - Prontera 151, 107 - ThanatosWeapons AunoeCard
x1Romantic Flower888,888z
x1Romantic Flower888,888z
x1Romantic Flower888,888z0z
x1Rudolf Santa Hat [1]8,888,888z
x1Rudolf Santa Hat [1]8,888,888z
x1Bloody Branch9,999,999z0z
x2Kobold Card3,333,333z
x1Matyr Card5,000,000z
x1Gray Shield [1]8,888,888z
x1Thanatos Spear [1]28,888,888z
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2927 days ago - Prontera 151, 107 - ThanatosWeapons AunoeCard
x1Romantic Flower888,888z
x1Romantic Flower888,888z
x1Romantic Flower888,888z
x1Rudolf Santa Hat [1]8,888,888z
x1Rudolf Santa Hat [1]8,888,888z
x1Bloody Branch9,999,999z
x2Kobold Card3,333,333z
x1Matyr Card5,000,000z
x1Aunoe Card45,000,000z0z
x1Gray Shield [1]8,888,888z
x1Thanatos Spear [1]28,888,888z
x1Thanatos Katar [1]22,222,222z0z
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2929 days ago - Prontera 129, 113 - ThanatosSpear sale
x1Romantic Flower9,876,543z
x1Romantic Flower9,876,543z
x1Bloody Branch9,999,999z
x1Gray Shield [1]8,888,888z
x1Thanatos Spear [1]28,888,888z
x1Romantic Flower9,876,543z
x1Rudolf Santa Hat [1]6,666,666z
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2930 days ago - Prontera 117, 99 - safe7 thanatos weapons
x1Romantic Flower1,000,000z
x1Romantic Flower1,000,000z
x1Romantic Flower1,000,000z
x1Gray Shield [1]10,000,000z
x1Thanatos Spear [1]28,888,888z
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2935 days ago - Prontera 159, 94 - ThanatoSpear
x1Gray Shield [1]12,000,000z
x1Thanatos Spear [1]28,900,000z
x1Romantic Flower1,000,000z
x1Rudolf Santa Hat [1]5,000,000z
x3Bloody Murderer Card1,500,000z
x6Kobold Card5,000,000z
x4Loli Ruri Card3,000,000z
x1Lude Card500,000z
x6Gibbet Card3,000,000z
x1Hylozoist Card14,000,000z
x3Safe to 7 Body Armor Certificate18,900,000z
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2936 days ago - Prontera 159, 94 - ThanatoSpear
x1Gray Shield [1]12,000,000z
x1Thanatos Spear [1]28,900,000z
x1Romantic Flower1,000,000z
x1Rudolf Santa Hat [1]5,000,000z
x3Bloody Murderer Card1,500,000z
x6Kobold Card5,000,000z
x4Loli Ruri Card3,000,000z
x1Lude Card500,000z
x6Gibbet Card3,000,000z
x1Hylozoist Card14,000,000z
x3Safe to 7 Body Armor Certificate18,900,000z
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2936 days ago - Prontera 159, 94 - thanatosSpear
x2Magical Stone4,500,000z0z
x1Thanatos Spear [1]29,000,000z
x1Gray Shield [1]10,000,000z
x1Rudolf Santa Hat [1]5,000,000z
x1Romantic Flower1,000,000z
x1Romantic Flower1,000,000z
x6Kobold Card3,500,000z
x1Lude Card500,000z
x4Loli Ruri Card3,000,000z
x6Gibbet Card2,500,000z
x1Hylozoist Card16,000,000z
x3Bloody Murderer Card1,000,000z
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2937 days ago - Prontera 157, 104 - skellycat thanatos spear&katar
x1Gray Shield [1]12,000,000z
x1Rudolf Santa Hat [1]6,000,000z
x1Romantic Flower1,000,000z
x3Loli Ruri Card3,000,000z
x3Hillslion Card16,000,000z
x6Gibbet Card2,400,000z
x1Hylozoist Card13,000,000z
x3Bloody Murderer Card1,100,000z
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2937 days ago - Prontera 157, 104 - skellycat thanatos spear&katar
x1Gray Shield [1]12,000,000z
x1Rudolf Santa Hat [1]6,000,000z
x1Romantic Flower1,000,000z
x3Loli Ruri Card3,000,000z
x3Hillslion Card16,000,000z
x6Gibbet Card2,400,000z
x1Hylozoist Card13,000,000z
x3Bloody Murderer Card1,100,000z
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2937 days ago - Prontera 157, 104 - skellycat thanatos spear&katar
x1Gray Shield [1]12,000,000z
x1Thanatos Katar [1]13,500,000z0z
x1Thanatos Spear [1]28,500,000z0z
x1Rudolf Santa Hat [1]6,000,000z
x1Portable cage for Scatleton19,500,000z0z
x1Romantic Flower1,000,000z0z
x1Romantic Flower1,000,000z
x3Loli Ruri Card3,000,000z
x3Hillslion Card16,000,000z
x6Gibbet Card2,400,000z
x1Hylozoist Card13,000,000z
x3Bloody Murderer Card1,100,000z
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