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2843 days ago - Prontera 117, 64 - Random Stuff
x59Venom Canine650z
x9Banshee Card65,000z
x1Hill Wind Card350,000z
x1Deviruchi Card1,250,000z
x1Munak Card280,000z
x2Four Leaf Clover72,000z
x6Stone Arrow Quiver19,500z
x116Holy Water1,500z
x5Old Magicbook74,000z
x11Old Broom28,000z
x1Horse King750,000z
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2844 days ago - Prontera 116, 67 - Random Stuff
x1Angelic Ring2,800,000z0z
x1Unknown #311727,800,000z0z
x1Horse King600,000z
x5Old Magicbook82,000z
x11Old Broom29,000z
x1Munak Card280,000z
x9Banshee Card80,000z
x117Holy Water1,850z
x1Deviruchi Card1,800,000z
x6Stone Arrow Quiver20,000z
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3740 days ago - Prontera 140, 89 - Cheap Stuff
x1Christmas Musicbox3,200,000z0z
x11Old Broom18,000z
x86Black Hair2,700z0z
x174Witch Starsand3,825z
x533Hinalle Leaflet400z0z
x9Banshee Card99,000z
x1Munak Card99,000z
x1Bigfoot Card240,000z0z
x1Novice Poring Card10,000z
x6Hand of God25,000z
x90Heart of Mermaid1,250z0z
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3740 days ago - Prontera 139, 90 - Cheap Stuff
x1Christmas Musicbox5,000,000z
x264Aloe Leaflet990z0z
x2Yggdrasil Seed50,000z0z
x11Old Broom18,000z
x258Maneater Blossom950z0z
x86Black Hair2,800z
x174Witch Starsand3,700z
x533Hinalle Leaflet420z
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3740 days ago - Prontera 141, 91 - Cheap Stuff
x1Christmas Musicbox5,000,000z
x2Yggdrasil Seed60,000z
x531Hinalle Leaflet400z
x1Bigfoot Card250,000z
x9Banshee Card99,000z
x1Munak Card99,000z
x186Black Hair3,000z
x177Witch Starsand3,499z
x255Aloe Leaflet900z
x195Maneater Blossom1,000z
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3825 days ago - Prontera 115, 63 - Cheap stuff
x9Banshee Card280,000z
x1Munak Card340,000z
x1Marionette Card100,000z0z
x186Black Hair2,800z
x220Aloe Leaflet1,100z0z
x261Maneater Blossom700z0z
x1Librarian Glove [1]1,500,000z
x4Dead Branch28,000z0z
x4Authoritative Badge4,000z0z
x1Her Heart180,000z0z
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3828 days ago - Prontera 118, 67 - Cheap stuff
x9Banshee Card260,000z
x1Munak Card380,000z
x1Marionette Card100,000z
x70Black Hair2,600z
x129Maneater Blossom700z0z
x1Pretend Murdered8,000z
x1Bunny Band3,000,000z0z
x1Her Heart380,000z
x1Librarian Glove [1]1,400,000z
x6Stone Arrow Quiver24,000z
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3833 days ago - Prontera 118, 66 - Cheap cards and stuff
x9Banshee Card260,000z
x1Munak Card260,000z
x1Roda Frog Card1,500,000z0z
x1Marionette Card160,000z
x1Bunny Band3,000,000z
x90Black Hair2,200z
x96Aloe Leaflet1,000z0z
x2Savage Meat4,000z
x129Maneater Blossom600z
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3833 days ago - Prontera 118, 70 - Cheap cards and stuff
x9Banshee Card260,000z
x1Munak Card260,000z
x1Roda Frog Card1,500,000z
x1Marionette Card160,000z
x1Bunny Band3,000,000z
x397Black Hair2,200z
x96Aloe Leaflet1,000z
x2Savage Meat4,000z
x129Maneater Blossom600z
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3833 days ago - Prontera 118, 66 - Cheap cards and stuff
x9Banshee Card280,000z
x1Munak Card280,000z
x1Roda Frog Card1,600,000z
x1Pupa Card2,400,000z0z
x1Marionette Card180,000z
x1Bunny Band3,200,000z
x397Black Hair2,200z
x43Authoritative Badge4,000z0z
x4Dead Branch32,000z0z
x15Steel Arrow Quiver38,000z0z
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3868 days ago - Prontera 118, 72 - Cheap stoof
x9Banshee Card550,000z
x1Munak Card500,000z
x208Black Hair2,600z
x9Witherless Rose35,000z
x1Illusion Flower4,500z0z
x6Stone Arrow Quiver28,000z
x1Black Cat Ears2,800,000z
x1Bunny Band4,800,000z
x1Pretend Murdered80,000z
x2First Aid Kit35,000z
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3869 days ago - Prontera 118, 65 - Cheap stuffs
x1Black Cat Ears2,800,000z
x1Bunny Band4,800,000z
x1Pretend Murdered80,000z
x1Spell Flow Lunatic Brooch [1]800,000z
x9Banshee Card550,000z
x1Munak Card500,000z
x408Black Hair2,600z
x9Witherless Rose34,000z
x2Illusion Flower4,500z
x6Stone Arrow Quiver28,000z
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3870 days ago - Prontera 118, 65 - Cheap stuffs
3870 days ago - Prontera 118, 76 - Cheap quivers and stuff
3871 days ago - Prontera 117, 64 - Holy water, quivers, and cards
3873 days ago - Prontera 118, 70 - Cheap cards and stuff
x1Mandragora Card100,000z
x9Banshee Card600,000z
x1Andre Egg Card100,000z
x1Munak Card850,000z
x206Black Hair3,000z
x1Black Cat Ears3,200,000z
x1Pretend Murdered90,000z
x1Spell Flow Lunatic Brooch [1]800,000z
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3876 days ago - Prontera 118, 76 - Cheap cards and stuff
x1Mandragora Card120,000z
x9Banshee Card800,000z
x1Andre Egg Card100,000z
x1Munak Card900,000z
x206Black Hair2,600z
x1Black Cat Ears3,200,000z
x1Pretend Murdered90,000z
x1Spell Flow Lunatic Brooch [1]1,400,000z
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3877 days ago - Prontera 118, 64 - cheap cards and stuff
x1Mandragora Card100,000z
x9Banshee Card800,000z
x2Andre Egg Card100,000z
x2First Aid Kit50,000z
x115Iron Ore2,000z
x1Black Cat Ears3,200,000z
x1Pretend Murdered100,000z
x1Spell Flow Lunatic Brooch [1]1,800,000z
x1Four Leaf Clover56,000z
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3877 days ago - Prontera 118, 64 - cheap cards and stuff
x1Mandragora Card100,000z
x9Banshee Card800,000z
x2Andre Egg Card100,000z
x2First Aid Kit50,000z
x125Iron Ore2,000z
x1Black Cat Ears3,200,000z
x1Black Cat Ears3,200,000z0z
x1Pretend Murdered100,000z
x1Spell Flow Lunatic Brooch [1]2,800,000z
x1Four Leaf Clover56,000z
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3918 days ago - Prontera 115, 61 - Cheap cards and stuff
x1Mandragora Card150,000z
x10Banshee Card1,250,000z
x1Andre Egg Card140,000z
x2First Aid Kit45,000z
x104Iron Ore2,400z
x1Black Cat Ears3,000,000z
x1Black Cat Ears3,000,000z
x1Pretend Murdered65,000z
x1Spell Flow Lunatic Brooch [1]4,000,000z
x33Antelope Horn4,000z
x37Short Daenggie2,500z0z
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3923 days ago - Prontera 116, 64 - Cheap cards and stuff
x10Banshee Card1,100,000z
x1Andre Egg Card120,000z
x19Authoritative Badge5,000z0z
x2First Aid Kit60,000z
x114Iron Ore2,800z
x33Antelope Horn4,500z
x167Harpy Feather800z
x29Leopard Claw35,000z
x240Holy Water2,000z0z
x84Heart of Mermaid2,000z0z
x72Dragon Canine1,000z
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3923 days ago - Prontera 116, 67 - Cheap cards and stuff
x1Baby Leopard Card8,800,000z0z
x10Banshee Card1,200,000z
x4Andre Egg Card100,000z
x2First Aid Kit60,000z
x1Bundle of Food70,000z0z
x349Black Hair1,000z0z
x19Authoritative Badge5,000z
x33Antelope Horn5,000z
x167Harpy Feather900z
x29Leopard Claw45,000z
x158Iron Ore2,800z
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3926 days ago - Prontera 115, 63 - Cheap cards and stuff
x6Andre Egg Card120,000z
x10Banshee Card1,100,000z
x2First Aid Kit60,000z
x163Iron Ore2,000z
x154Stinky Scale680z
x1Poring Pet Backpack500,000z
x1Poring Pet Backpack500,000z
x1Puente Robe [1]500,000z0z
x1Dead Branch44,000z0z
x1Silk Robe [1]45,000z0z
x1Silk Robe [1]45,000z0z
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3926 days ago - Prontera 115, 69 - cheap cards and stuff
x1Skeleton Card150,000z0z
x6Andre Egg Card120,000z
x10Banshee Card1,200,000z
x3Hometown Gift130,000z0z
x2First Aid Kit60,000z
x189Black Hair1,000z0z
x171Iron Ore2,800z
x1Poring Pet Backpack700,000z
x1Poring Pet Backpack700,000z
x174Stinky Scale700z
x1Puente Robe [1]800,000z
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3932 days ago - Prontera 115, 72 - Cheap cardsand stuff
x1Skeleton Card180,000z
x5Andre Egg Card200,000z
x10Banshee Card2,800,000z
x1Poring Pet Backpack1,500,000z
x1Poring Pet Backpack1,500,000z
x15Black Hair1,200z
x149Iron Ore1,800z
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