Exact Matches for GoCash East West Costume Box
x1 for 15,000,000z 4501 days ago from Guinivere in S/T>CEB+9 and Immune shield+9 L/O at Prontera 159, 192
x1 for 25,000,000z 4502 days ago from Trent Greystone in East West Boxes!....plus drops at Prontera 147, 27
x1 for 16,000,000z 4502 days ago from Guinivere in S>Immune shield+9 and CEB+9 L/O at Prontera 159, 192
x1 for 16,000,000z 4502 days ago from Guinivere in S>Immune shield+9 and CEB+9 L/O at Prontera 159, 192
x1 for 16,000,000z 4503 days ago from Guinivere in S>Immune shield+9 and CEB+9 L/O at Prontera 159, 192