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4285 days ago - Prontera 142, 110 - Nid 55m, Vellum, Cards, Poll, Cardo
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]55,000,000z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]55,000,000z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]55,000,000z
x1Bellum Bible6,500,000z
x1Bellum Bible6,500,000z0z
x1Poll Axe [1]1,000,000z0z
x1Cardo [1]1,400,000z
x1Aliza Card1,250,000z
x2Ancient Mummy Card950,000z
x1Jing Guai Card1,500,000z
x1Dolor of Thanatos Card3,750,000z
x1Frus Card7,000,000z
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4286 days ago - Prontera 142, 109 - Nid 55m, Vellum, Poll, Cardo, Valk
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]55,000,000z0z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]55,000,000z0z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]55,000,000z
x1Bellum Bible6,500,000z
x1Bellum Bible6,500,000z
x1Poll Axe [1]1,000,000z0z
x1Cardo [1]1,400,000z0z
x1Holy Robe700,000z0z
x1Soft Apron800,000z
x2Killer Mantis Card1,800,000z0z
x1Valkyrian Shoes [1]450,000z0z
x1Valkyrian Shoes [1]450,000z0z
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4286 days ago - Prontera 142, 103 - Nid 55m, CK 55m, Cards, Vellum, More
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]55,000,000z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]55,000,000z0z
x1Combat Knife55,000,000z0z
x1Bellum Bible6,700,000z
x1Bellum Bible6,700,000z
x1Poll Axe [1]1,000,000z
x2Killer Mantis Card2,200,000z
x1Gajomart Card900,000z0z
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4286 days ago - Prontera 142, 103 - Nid 55m, CK 55m, Cards, Vellum, More
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]55,000,000z0z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]55,000,000z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]55,000,000z
x1Combat Knife55,000,000z
x1Bellum Bible6,700,000z
x1Bellum Bible6,700,000z
x1Poll Axe [1]1,000,000z
x1Holy Robe600,000z0z
x1Am Mut Card3,500,000z0z
x2Killer Mantis Card2,200,000z
x2Plankton Card850,000z0z
x1Gajomart Card900,000z
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4287 days ago - Prontera 142, 110 - Nid 55m, Combat Knife, Vellum, Cards
4287 days ago - Prontera 142, 110 - Nid 55m, Combat Knife, Vellum, Cards
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]55,000,000z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]55,000,000z
x1Combat Knife55,000,000z
x1Bellum Bible7,000,000z
x1Cardo [1]1,200,000z0z
x1Cardo [1]1,200,000z
x1Am Mut Card3,700,000z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]60,000,000z
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4287 days ago - Prontera 142, 110 - Nid 55m, Combat Knife, Vellum, Cards
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]55,000,000z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]55,000,000z
x1Combat Knife55,000,000z
x1Bellum Bible7,000,000z
x1Cardo [1]1,200,000z
x1Cardo [1]1,200,000z
x1Poll Axe [1]1,000,000z0z
x1Poll Axe [1]1,000,000z0z
x5Valhala's Flower2,000,000z0z
x1Am Mut Card3,700,000z
x1Yao Jun Card1,200,000z0z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]60,000,000z
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4288 days ago - Prontera 142, 108 - Nid 56m, CK 60m, Morrigane, Cards
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]56,000,000z0z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]56,000,000z
x1Combat Knife60,000,000z
x1Bellum Bible7,000,000z
x1Cardo [1]1,500,000z
x1Poll Axe [1]1,200,000z
x1Wild Beast Claw [1]750,000z0z
x1Aliot Card4,500,000z0z
x2Killer Mantis Card2,750,000z
x1Stone Shooter Card900,000z0z
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4288 days ago - Prontera 142, 108 - Nid 56m, CK 60m, Morrigane, Cards
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]56,000,000z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]56,000,000z
x1Combat Knife60,000,000z
x1Bellum Bible7,000,000z
x1Cardo [1]1,500,000z
x1Poll Axe [1]1,200,000z
x1Morrigane's Belt1,100,000z0z
x1Morrigane's Pendant1,100,000z0z
x1Wild Beast Claw [1]750,000z
x1Aliot Card4,500,000z
x2Killer Mantis Card2,750,000z
x1Stone Shooter Card900,000z
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4289 days ago - Prontera 142, 108 - Nid 56m,CK 70m, Cards, V.Flowers
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]56,000,000z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]56,000,000z
x1Combat Knife70,000,000z
x1Bellum Bible7,000,000z
x5Valhala's Flower2,100,000z
x1Soft Apron800,000z
x1Cardo [1]1,500,000z
x1Poll Axe [1]1,200,000z
x1Gajomart Card1,000,000z
x1Yao Jun Card1,200,000z
x2Plankton Card750,000z
x1Stone Shooter Card1,000,000z
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4290 days ago - Prontera 142, 108 - Nid 56m,CK,OBB,Vellum,Cards,Valhal
4290 days ago - Prontera 142, 108 - Nid 56m,CK,OBB,Vellum,Cards,Valhal
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]56,000,000z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]56,000,000z
x1Combat Knife70,000,000z
x1Bellum Bible7,000,000z
x1Cardo [1]1,400,000z0z
x1Poll Axe [1]1,200,000z
x156Old Blue Box75,000z0z
x2Jewelry Box5,000,000z
x5Valhala's Flower2,250,000z
x2Killer Mantis Card3,000,000z
x1Stone Shooter Card1,000,000z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]99,990,000z
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4290 days ago - Prontera 142, 103 - Nid 55m,CK,OCA,OPB,OBB,BM,+20DEX
4290 days ago - Prontera 142, 103 - Nid 55m,CK,OCA,OPB,OBB,BM,+20DEX
x143Siroma Icetea200,000z0z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]55,000,000z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]55,000,000z
x1Combat Knife70,000,000z
x5Old Card Album16,000,000z
x8Old Purple Box550,000z0z
x99Old Blue Box75,000z0z
x3High Weapon Box20,000,000z
x2Jewelry Box5,000,000z
x1Battle Manual X320,000,000z0z
x1Bellum Bible7,000,000z0z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]99,990,000z
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4293 days ago - Prontera 147, 105 - Nid,CK,BM,ArcherSkel,Durga,+20DEX
x2Archer Skeleton Card38,000,000z0z
x178Siroma Icetea210,000z
x1Battle Manual X322,000,000z0z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]56,000,000z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]56,000,000z
x1Bellum Bible7,250,000z
x1Combat Knife75,000,000z
x1+5 Boned Durga [1]20,000,000z0z
x1Poll Axe [1]1,200,000z
x1Cardo [1]1,400,000z0z
x1Dragon Vest [1]700,000z0z
x1Dragon Vest [1]700,000z0z
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4293 days ago - Prontera 147, 108 - Nid 57m, AS Cards,CK,+3STR Valk
4294 days ago - Prontera 147, 108 - Nid 57m, AS Cards,CK,+3STR Valk
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]57,000,000z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]57,000,000z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]57,000,000z
x1Combat Knife75,000,000z
x2Archer Skeleton Card38,500,000z
x1+7 Unfrozen Valkyrian Armor [1]99,990,000z0z
x1Bellum Bible7,250,000z0z
x1Poll Axe [1]1,200,000z
x1Cardo [1]1,400,000z0z
x198Siroma Icetea210,000z
x1Clip [1]750,000z
x1Valkyrian Manteau [1]1,200,000z0z
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4294 days ago - Prontera 147, 102 - Nid 57m, +7 (+3STR) Valk Armor, More
4295 days ago - Prontera 142, 105 - Nid 57m
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]57,000,000z0z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]57,000,000z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]57,000,000z
x1Hakujin [1]5,000,000z
x1Cardo [1]1,600,000z
x1Poll Axe [1]1,400,000z
x1Bellum Bible7,250,000z
x1Bellum Bible7,250,000z
x1Dragon Vest [1]700,000z0z
x1Sacred Mission700,000z0z
x1Clip [1]800,000z0z
x1Valkyrian Shoes [1]550,000z0z
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4296 days ago - Prontera 142, 105 - Nid 57m, Mailbreaker[3] 75m
x1Mailbreaker [3]75,000,000z
x1Hakujin [1]9,000,000z
x1Bellum Bible7,000,000z
x1Cardo [1]1,700,000z
x1Poll Axe [1]1,300,000z
x1Dragon Vest [1]750,000z
x1Sacred Mission850,000z
Link to this shop.

4297 days ago - Prontera 142, 105 - Nid 57m, Mailbreaker[3] 75m
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]57,000,000z0z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]57,000,000z0z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]57,000,000z0z
x1Mailbreaker [3]75,000,000z
x1Magestic Goat10,500,000z0z
x1Ulle's Cap [1]3,500,000z0z
x1Hakujin [1]9,000,000z
x1Bellum Bible7,000,000z
x1Cardo [1]1,700,000z
x1Poll Axe [1]1,300,000z
x1Dragon Vest [1]750,000z
x1Sacred Mission850,000z
Link to this shop.

4298 days ago - Prontera 142, 108 - Nid 57m,MailBreaker,Incubus,Vellum
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]57,000,000z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]57,000,000z
x1Mailbreaker [3]75,000,000z
x1Cardo [1]1,700,000z0z
x1Poll Axe [1]1,200,000z0z
x1Bellum Bible6,000,000z
x1Bellum Bible6,000,000z
Link to this shop.

4298 days ago - Prontera 142, 108 - Nid 57m,MailBreaker,Incubus,Vellum
x7Old Purple Box470,000z0z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]57,000,000z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]57,000,000z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]57,000,000z0z
x1Mailbreaker [3]75,000,000z
x1Cardo [1]1,700,000z
x1Poll Axe [1]1,200,000z
x1Incubus Card38,000,000z0z
x1Bellum Bible6,000,000z
x1Bellum Bible6,000,000z
x1Morpheus's Shawl950,000z0z
x1Morpheus's Shawl950,000z0z
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4300 days ago - Prontera 142, 106 - Nid,Snake,MailBreaker,WoE,OPB,More
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]58,000,000z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]58,000,000z
x1Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]58,000,000z
x1Snake Head [1]88,000,000z
x1Mailbreaker [3]75,000,000z
x1+7 WoE Greave [1]30,000,000z0z
x1Dagger of Hunter [3]5,000,000z0z
x7Old Purple Box500,000z
x1Cardo [1]2,000,000z0z
x1Poll Axe [1]1,500,000z
x2Soft Apron1,000,000z0z
x8Drosera Herb Stew230,000z0z
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4303 days ago - Prontera 142, 105 - Nid 57m, Mailbreaker[3] 75m, +20 DEX
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