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Shops from Pina Colada
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4165 days ago - Prontera 133, 115 - COME! WE HAVE AWESOME THINGS!
x1Full Plate [1]300,000z
x1Full Plate [1]300,000z
x1Full Plate [1]300,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]25,000,000z
x1Spiky Band1,000,000z
x1Broad Sword [2]280,000z
x1Broad Sword [2]280,000z
x1Guisarme [3]10,000z
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4165 days ago - Prontera 133, 115 - COME! WE HAVE AWESOME THINGS!
x1Full Plate [1]300,000z
x1Full Plate [1]300,000z
x1Full Plate [1]300,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]25,000,000z
x1Spiky Band1,000,000z
x1Broad Sword [2]280,000z
x1Broad Sword [2]280,000z
x1Guisarme [3]10,000z
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4165 days ago - Prontera 105, 70 - COME! WE HAVE COOKIES!
x1Orleans's Gown [1]25,000,000z
x1Spiky Band1,000,000z
x1Broad Sword [2]195,000z
x1Broad Sword [2]195,000z
x1Guisarme [3]10,000z
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4166 days ago - Prontera 105, 70 - COME! WE HAVE AWESOME THINGS!
x1Full Plate [1]245,000z
x1Full Plate [1]245,000z
x1Full Plate [1]245,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]25,000,000z
x1Broad Sword [2]195,000z
x1Spiky Band1,000,000z
x1Broad Sword [2]195,000z
x1Guisarme [3]10,000z
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4166 days ago - Prontera 105, 70 - COME! WE HAVE AWESOME THINGS!
x1Full Plate [1]230,000z
x1Full Plate [1]230,000z
x1Full Plate [1]230,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]25,000,000z
x1Broad Sword [2]195,000z
x1Spiky Band1,000,000z
x1Broad Sword [2]195,000z
x1Guisarme [3]10,000z
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4168 days ago - Prontera 117, 90 - COME! WE HAVE STEAK!
x1Full Plate [1]195,000z
x1Full Plate [1]195,000z
x1Full Plate [1]195,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]24,950,000z
x1Broad Sword [2]300,000z
x1Broad Sword [2]300,000z
x1Spiky Band950,000z
x1Jamadhar [1]450,000z0z
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4168 days ago - Prontera 121, 87 - COME! WE HAVE COOKIES!
x1Full Plate [1]200,000z
x1Guisarme [3]10,000z
x1Jamadhar [1]900,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]24,500,000z
x1Spiky Band950,000z
x1Sweet Valentine1,000,000z
x1Ancient Mummy Card1,000,000z
x1Elder Card2,000,000z
Link to this shop.

4168 days ago - Prontera 121, 87 - COME! WE HAVE COOKIES!
x1Full Plate [1]200,000z
x1Guisarme [3]10,000z
x1Jamadhar [1]900,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]24,500,000z
x1Spiky Band950,000z
x1Sweet Valentine100,000z
x1Ancient Mummy Card1,000,000z
x1Elder Card200,000z
Link to this shop.

4168 days ago - Prontera 118, 90 - COME! WE HAVE AWESOME THING!
x1Full Plate [1]200,000z
x1Guisarme [3]10,000z
x1Jamadhar [1]900,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]24,500,000z
x1Spiky Band950,000z
x1Sweet Valentine1,000,000z
x1Ancient Mummy Card1,000,000z
x1Elder Card2,000,000z
Link to this shop.

4169 days ago - Prontera 115, 96 - COME! WE HAVE AWESOME THINGS!
x1Spiky Band975,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]24,500,000z
x1Full Plate [1]290,000z
x1Guisarme [3]10,000z
x1Jamadhar [1]375,000z
x1Sweet Valentine1,000,000z0z
x1Elder Card2,000,000z
x1Ancient Mummy Card4,750,000z
Link to this shop.

4169 days ago - Prontera 151, 111 - COME! WE HAVE COOKIES!
x1Full Plate [1]158,500z
x1Full Plate [1]158,500z
x1Guisarme [3]10,000z
x1Jamadhar [1]300,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]23,500,000z
x1Sweet Valentine1,000,000z
x1Ancient Mummy Card1,000,000z
x1Elder Card2,000,000z
Link to this shop.

4169 days ago - Prontera 132, 115 - COME! WE HAVE COOKIES!
x1Orleans's Gown [1]23,500,000z
x1Guisarme [3]10,000z
x1Town Sword [2]80,000z
x1Full Plate [1]195,000z
x1Sweet Valentine1,000,000z
x1Sweet Valentine1,000,000z
x1Elder Card2,000,000z
x1Ancient Mummy Card4,700,000z
Link to this shop.

4171 days ago - Prontera 119, 91 - COME WE HAVE AWESOME THINGS!
x1White Wing Suits [1]4,750,000z0z
x1Full Plate [1]210,000z
x1Town Sword [2]150,000z
x1Guisarme [3]10,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]27,500,000z
x1Ancient Mummy Card9,500,000z
x1Elder Card2,000,000z
x1Poring Card23,000z0z
Link to this shop.

4172 days ago - Prontera 116, 81 - COME WE HAVE AWESOME THINGS!
x1Orleans's Gown [1]29,500,000z
x1White Wing Suits [1]4,750,000z
x1Full Plate [1]275,000z
x1Town Sword [2]495,000z
x1Enchanted Peach Tree Card5,250,000z0z
x1Elder Card2,000,000z
x1Earth Petite Card200,000z0z
Link to this shop.

4177 days ago - Prontera 151, 140 - COME! WE HAVE CARDS AND THINGS!
4199 days ago - Prontera 154, 104 - CARDS! CARDS EVERYWHERE!
4199 days ago - Prontera 154, 104 - CARDS! CARDS EVERYWHERE!
4199 days ago - Prontera 148, 64 - CARDS! CARDS EVERYWHERE!
x1Elder Card2,300,000z
x1Roda Frog Card1,000,000z
x1Gajomart Card499,000z
x1Familiar Card70,000z
x1Poring Card200,000z
x1Nereid Card90,000z
x1Earth Petite Card180,000z
x1Fanat Card600,000z0z
x1Seyren Windsor Card7,000,000z
x1Ancient Mummy Card1,250,000z
Link to this shop.

4199 days ago - Prontera 157, 90 - CARDS! CARDS EVERYWHERE
x1Elder Card2,300,000z
x1Roda Frog Card1,000,000z
x1Gajomart Card499,000z
x1Familiar Card70,000z
x1Poring Card200,000z
x1Nereid Card90,000z
x1Earth Petite Card180,000z
x1Fanat Card6,000,000z
Link to this shop.

4199 days ago - Prontera 157, 90 - CARDS! CARDS EVERYWHERE
x1Pest Card300,000z0z
x1Elder Card2,300,000z
x1Roda Frog Card1,000,000z
x1Gajomart Card499,000z
x1Picky Egg Card70,000z0z
x1Familiar Card70,000z
x1Poring Card200,000z
x1Nereid Card90,000z
x1Earth Petite Card180,000z
x1Fanat Card6,000,000z
Link to this shop.

4200 days ago - Prontera 155, 114 - CARDS! CARDS EVERYWHERE!
4200 days ago - Prontera 155, 114 - CARDS! CARDS EVERYWHERE!
4203 days ago - Prontera 149, 107 - COME! WE HAVE CARDS!
x1Fanat Card9,000,000z
x1Enchanted Peach Tree Card5,000,000z
x1Pecopeco Egg Card1,200,000z0z
x1Megalith Card30,000z
x1Seyren Windsor Card7,000,000z
x1Ancient Mummy Card1,350,000z
x1Plankton Card900,000z0z
x1Nereid Card90,000z
x1Earth Petite Card200,000z
x1Poring Card300,000z
Link to this shop.

4251 days ago - Prontera 153, 98 - CARDS GALORE
x1Roda Frog Card500,000z
x1Gajomart Card600,000z
x1Earth Petite Card200,000z
x1Nereid Card100,000z
x1Picky Egg Card500,000z
x1Poring Card250,000z
x1Familiar Card86,000z
x1Christmas Cookie Card1,750,000z
x1Remover Card5,000,000z
x1Red Novus Card450,000z
Link to this shop.

4251 days ago - Prontera 153, 98 - CARDS GALORE
x2Poison Spore Card40,000z0z
x3Stalactic Golem Card20,000z0z
x1Orc Warrior Card400,000z0z
x1PoPoring Card27,000z0z
x1Wormtail Card100,000z0z
x1Christmas Cookie Card1,850,000z
x1Hydra Card1,000,000z0z
x1Golem Card500,000z0z
x1Remover Card5,000,000z
x1Red Novus Card425,000z
Link to this shop.

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